Greenhouse Management Explores: Why Pre-Filled Pots?

When evaluating opportunities for increased greenhouse efficiencies, there are a handful of fairly straightforward options to consider: Have you been conducting timely maintenance, adding insulation, caulking and various repairs when needed? Is your lighting customized to maximize your crop growth production? Are you due for control system, fan, screening or motor upgrades that will minimize […]
Redirecting Focus to Research: Utilizing a Pre-Filled Potting Service

In an era when funding is increasingly competitive and labor constraints are evident across the board, college and university research facilities will find themselves balancing resources precariously. Limited Resources + Bottlenecking Time, staff and space are all variables that stand to be viewed as potential resource limitations. These overhead considerations are often identified as the […]

What are Greenhouse GEMS? Resource articles for all types of growers! Our information revolves around topics including: Grower – Information & techniques that growers can implement now for successful crops. Education – Concise explanations of necessary to know industry information for all grower sizes. Maintenance – This month in your greenhouse to maximize production & […]
Poinsettia Biological Insect Control

Poinsettias are like most greenhouse crops when it comes to pest issues… …insects can be a pest. The most common poinsettia insect pests are some of the most common greenhouse pests- whitefly & thrips and shorefly & fungus gnats. The basic tenants of IPM (Integrated Pest Management) are the backbone to build a sound biological […]